Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Multiple update panels: content disappears when modalpopup is used

Hello there,

I'm experiencing a rather annoying issue at the moment. I'm working on a webapplication, which contains quite a big page. This page contains multiple updatepanels, which in their turn contain dropdownlists/checkboxes. The page also uses a TextboxWatermarkExtender on one textbox control, and a ModalPopup which is shown conditionally by calling .Show() from the codebehind.

The ModalPopupExtender and TextboxWatermarkExtender are not on an updatepanel or anything.

Everything seems to work as it should, but I'm having a rather annoying cosmetic issue: at the moment the modalpopup is shown on my page, all the content of the updatepanels dissapears: none of the dropdownlistboxes are visible anymore!

Something weird also happens when I do any action in any of the updatepanels: when I do this, the TextboxWatermarkExtender seems to "refresh" its text (you see the text "flash").

I'm thinking these issues might be connected somehow... Has anyone got any idea on how to solve this issue, or has anyone else ran into this?

I took a few screnshots to illustrate the problem.

This is how the page looks without the modal popup:

This is with the modal popul:

As you can see, all the dropdownboxes have disappeared. Also, I noticed not only the dropdownboxes in updatepanels diasppear, but those that aren't also disappear.

Any ideas/suggestions? Tnx!

No-one? :( I've been looking all over the internet for this, but I can't seem to find anyone having the same issue. I do find issues with dropdownboxes floating "on top of" a layer when using Internet Explorer, but that's not the problem I have here... Also, I noticed this behaviour doesn't appear in Firefox: everything looks ok when using that browser...

My DDL(s) also disapeer with modal popup!!

And I had another problem with them when the modal popup causes a postback.

So I solved that by wrapping my DDL in another update panel... (with updatemode="always", dunno if that was necessary...)

But it seems to be working now...

And another update: I installed IE7 recently, and in that browser, the problem seems to be solved: the dropdownboxes don't disappear anymore.

So, this really seems to be an IE6-browser issue. I tried putting the ddl's in updatepanels (some of them already were), but that didn't help...

Browser-specific issues... gotta hate 'em ;-)

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