Monday, March 26, 2012

MutuallyExclusiveCheckBoxExtender in Panel in Updatepanel in Repaeter!


I've used this site for reference many times (coz i'm that good!) but this is my first post, so thanks for all the help guys!


I have a page with a repeater control. inside the repeater, i have an updatepanel (i don't need the whole repeater refreshed), and inside that, i have 2 checkboxes that i want to be mutually exclusive!

straightforward huh?!!

adding the MutuallyExclusiveCheckBoxExtender to the panel at Design time causes ALL the checkboxes to uncheck when you click on one, and i can't seem to add the MECE's dynamically at runtime - when i click, nothing happens.

Here's some code for you... it's placed inside Repeater_ItemDatabound

//Check the boxes depending upon user's role Panel myPanel = e.Item.FindControl("RolePanel")as Panel;if (myPanel !=null) { CheckBox myCbA = myPanel.FindControl("cbAdmin")as CheckBox;if (myCbA !=null) { myCbA.Checked = Roles.IsUserInRole(myUser,"Administrator"); } CheckBox myCbB = myPanel.FindControl("cbUser")as CheckBox;if (myCbB !=null) { myCbB.Checked = Roles.IsUserInRole(myUser,"User"); }//Add some ajax! AjaxControlToolkit.MutuallyExclusiveCheckBoxExtender MeCeA =new AjaxControlToolkit.MutuallyExclusiveCheckBoxExtender(); AjaxControlToolkit.MutuallyExclusiveCheckBoxExtender MeCeB =new AjaxControlToolkit.MutuallyExclusiveCheckBoxExtender(); MeCeA.ID ="MeCeA" + ItemCount.ToString(); MeCeA.Key ="Roles" + ItemCount.ToString(); MeCeA.TargetControlID = myCbA.ID; MeCeB.ID ="MeCeB" + ItemCount.ToString(); MeCeB.Key ="Roles" + ItemCount.ToString(); MeCeB.TargetControlID = myCbB.ID; myPanel.Controls.Add(MeCeA); myPanel.Controls.Add(MeCeB); }

and the source... placed inside the RepeaterItem ItemTemplate

<ajax:UpdatePanel ID="UserDetailsUpdatePanel" runat="server" UpdateMode="Always"> <ContentTemplate> <cc1:AnimationExtender ID="AnimationExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="lblResponse"> <Animations> <OnLoad> <FadeOut Duration=".5" Fps="20" /> </OnLoad> </Animations> </cc1:AnimationExtender> <div class="RolePanel"> <asp:Panel ID="RolePanel" runat="server"> <asp:CheckBox ID="cbAdmin" runat="server" Text="Administrator" AutoPostBack="true" /><br /> <asp:CheckBox ID="cbUser" runat="server" Text="User" AutoPostBack="true" /><br /> <center><asp:LinkButton ID="lbtnRoles" runat="server" Text="Submit" /></center> <center><asp:Label ID="lblResponse" runat="server" Visible="False" /></center> </asp:Panel> </div> </ContentTemplate> </ajax:UpdatePanel>

I hope someone can help me - this ajax stuff makes my sites look and feel all funky!



Seriously... is there no-one who can help me?


If I understand the question correctly, you want all 2 to be mutually exclusive checkboxes.

Have you tried adding 2 MutuallyExclusiveCheckBoxExtender in design mode and specifying the same key for both of them?

Yep, i tried that, but where it's inside a repeater it clears all the checkboxes including ones in the different repeateritems.

so, i had the brilliant idea of dynamically creating the extenders at runtime and giving each pair a key, also created at runtime so it's different for each repeateritem.

didn't work.*sob*

so then i thought of grabbing each extender as the repeateritem was databound and applying the unique key there...

nope - didn't work!

Take a quick look at this...

once, i thought it'd be simple!!

TIA for any help!!


Sorted It!!

one of my plans was indeed correct - i didn't set a key in design time, then at runtime, i grabbed the two extenders and set a unique key for them on each RepeaterItem_DataBound.

Job done!!

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