Monday, March 26, 2012

Mutiple update panel - How to bind trigger event for control which is inside of other upda


Thanks for visitng my problem.

I have 3 update panels. in first update panel U1 I have text box T1 and drop dwonbox D1.In second update panel U2 i have only drop down box D2. and in third update panel U3 i have a treeview T1.

I want that When I change selection of D1 in U1, it triiger events for D2 in U2 and T1 in U3. But when I try to bid U2 with D1 change event it does not show show D1 namein triiger control names. Rather it shows U1 panel name. Sam case is for T1 in U3. So my qiestion is : "HOW TO BIND TRIGGER WITH CONTROL WHICH IS INSIDE OF OTHER UPDATE PANEL?"

Looking for your Help.



Hi John,

I think the easiest solution would be to place one UpdatePanel around all three controls. If this doesn't work for you, perhaps you could post asmall code sample showing what you already tried.


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