Saturday, March 24, 2012

Need async post back from 1 user ctrl to another user ctrl in same master page.


I have 3-4 web user ctrl in a Master page. Now this Master Page is being hosted by a page: ViewProductCategories.aspx. Among the userctrls on the MasterPage, I have got an ImageButton (asp:ImageButton) in one of the userctrl (ProductCtrl.ascx). Instances of ProductCtrl.ascx is being loaded dynamically on the ViewProductCategories.aspx dependng on the number of product under a category. So I have to dynamically assign the event handler for the image button click. What I want is: On the click of the asp:ImageButton (AddToCart) there should be a AsyncPostBack that only refreshes the CartCtrl.ascx which is another user ctrl on the same MasterPage, but not the other userctrls on the same master page. Situation is complex. Please let me know if any more info is needed.




You can check out this link for solution:AsyncPostBackTrigger from another user control

Please check out these linka for more information:

Trigger PostBack to an UpdatePanel from a separate UserControl?

Can I specify a UserControl custom event as a Trigger for update panel on Parent page?

Bubble Event from UserControl

Best Regards

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