Saturday, March 24, 2012

Need flyout menu/site map.

This is probably to an AJAX UI thread.

At I saw a flyout menu. If you hover over "Microsoft" in the top-right corner - a DIV will flyout. On my web-site I use treeView control for navigation. I think that the MSDN's flyout menu has 2 advantages over treeView:

1) User can see all options at once. One big picture of all the options. No additional clicks required to navigate to the item.

2) It takes as little precious page space as it can.

Does anyone can advise me where I can borrow this fly out site map/menu?


Try using DropDown control. The example just shows very simple list but you can style it and put pretty much any content you want into it. For example, Idrop down a tag cloud on this page (click on Step 1).

Also, look at the HoverMenu control. It does pretty much the same thing.

To add some animation, use theAnimation tools in the AJAX toolkit.

Doesn't look like my tag cloud example link worked...In case you want to see it:

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