Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Multiple Timers and Multiple UpdatePanels

I am creating a page with many different server controls that each need to automatically refresh independently. I want the developer to be able to specify the refresh time, so I am exposing that as a property of the control. The problem is, whenever the first timer ticks, all the other timers reset (and the label control in each UpdatePanel updates with the current time) even though they are on different intervals. It acts like all the UpdatePanels are posting back, but I know the tick event is only firing on the first timer (the one with the lowest interval). Any ideas as to what's happening here or what I'm doing wrong?

Here is my (raw, not refactored) code (CreateChildControls method):

If AutoUpdateThen Dim panelAs UpdatePanel =New UpdatePanel()Dim progressAs UpdateProgress =New UpdateProgress() _label =New WebControls.Label()Dim timerAs Timer =New System.Web.UI.Timer() panel.ID =Me.ID +"_UpdatePanel" panel.ChildrenAsTriggers =True panel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional timer.ID = panel.ID +"_RefreshTimer"#If DEBUG Then timer.Interval = IIf(RefreshSeconds <> 0, RefreshSeconds, _refreshMinutes)#Else timer.Interval = _refreshMinutes#End If AddHandler timer.Tick,AddressOf OnTimerTick panel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(timer) _label.Text =String.Format("Updated at: {0}", DateTime.Now) panel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(control) panel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(_label) control = panelEnd If
I've also tried creating the timers outside the UpdatePanels and adding an ASyncPostBack trigger on the Tick event of each timer like so:
If AutoUpdateThen Dim panelAs UpdatePanel =New UpdatePanel()Dim progressAs UpdateProgress =New UpdateProgress()Dim timerTriggerAs New AsyncPostBackTrigger() _label =New WebControls.Label()Dim timerAs Timer =New System.Web.UI.Timer() panel.ID =Me.ID +"_UpdatePanel" panel.ChildrenAsTriggers =False panel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional timer.ID = panel.ID +"_RefreshTimer"#If DEBUG Then timer.Interval = IIf(RefreshSeconds <> 0, RefreshSeconds, _refreshMinutes)#Else timer.Interval = _refreshMinutes#End If timerTrigger.ControlID = timer.ID timerTrigger.EventName ="Tick" Controls.Add(timer) panel.Triggers.Add(timerTrigger) _label.Text =String.Format("Updated at: {0}", DateTime.Now) panel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(control) panel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(_label) control = panelEnd If


A detail I had failed to mention previously was that these update panels are contained within a surrounding update panel. This panel was set to UpdateMode = Always, which was causing all of the UpdatePanels inside of it to automatically update. I set it to conditional and it seems to work fine now.


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