Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Multiple UpdatePanel query

In my web application, on one page I'm having 4 UpdatePanel. All data corresponding to this UpdatePanel comes from database, so there is a substantial waiting time. When the page gets loaded, data for each UpdatePanel gets loaded 1 at a time.Can I load data for all sections asynchronously? Since this can help my application to reduce the loading time. Or it's not possible to start another request before the 1st one is complete?Any help will be appreciated.


I am not sure abt ur first issue but i think that in case you can do synchronization.

Tell me if you get any help regarding your blog..


Please refer to this:

Thanks for your reply. I have referred that post, before posting this query.

Can you provide me with some document if you have any.

To have a good understanding of the life cycle of async-request is helpful. Please refer to this for more information,

With the UpdatePanels, only one asynchronous request is handled at a time. This is intentional because these request include the ViewState on the page and make it almost impossible to keep it all in sync if multiple requests are occuring simultaneously. Raymond is correct in mentioning that you should get a good grasp of the life cycle that happens during these request - there is the page lifecycle, but there is also a client-side lifecycle. In short, become familiar with the PageRequestManager, this client-side object will grant you more control of what goes on during these ajax postbacks. Lastly, check out this sample to see how to work with the client-side events:

Thanks Raymond and David for your suggestion.

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