Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Multiple update panels

I had a query regarding multiple update panels.
I have a user control which contains one update panel.This user control contains a hidden textbox .
I am updating the updatepanel on basis of a timer control in javascripts which raises a postback.

I have placed two instances of this user control in another page say for eg. CIndexPage.aspx.
Now the Script manager is also placed in the same page ie CIndexPage.aspx.

Will the two updatepanels wrk independently.

Is the hidden variable shared between the instances of the update panel ?
Becoz the issue here is that even if i pass a value for the hidden textbox contained
in the first Update Panel, still the value gets stored for the hidden
variable in the second instance of the updatePanel.

Can we use Update Panels in a User Control and place multiple instances of the UserControls in a page.

Please if someone cld help me with this.

Thanks in advance.



well, the updatepanels will work independently. if you want to get independent refershes, you need to make sure that you've set the update mode of the pannel to conditional.

regarding the hidden field, it depends on how you've injected in the page...


My Code is somewhat like this

User Control contains


<asp:UpdatePanel id=UpdatePanel1 runat=server>
<div id=DivCtrl runat=server >
<asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="RequestID" Value="0" />

There is adiv control which contains multiple hyperlinks.That is done thru .cs file of the Master Control and is dynamically generated.
The hidden filed in placed inside the UpdatePanel and the RequestID is updated on the hyperlink click.

And 2 instances of this user control are placed in the Parent Page.
Also what happens is even though i am clicking on the first User Controls hyperlink (first updatepanel) still the Value is assigned to the second User Controls Hidden Field.

It always updates the last user control.

Why does work in this manner . Also to update the UpdatePanel i am using the timer control and _dopostback method.

Is there an issue with the timer control.Shld that be placed in the ParentPage.




can you please build a small demo app with a simple user control + page and put it here?

yes sure
User Control Code is as follows for .aspx is as follows
<script language =javascript>
var l_objtimer="";
l_objtimer =window.setInterval('UPdatePanel',1000);
function UPdatePanel()
var obj=get$('<%=RequestID.ClientID%>');

function CallDetails(nSerialNo)
var obj=get$('<%=RequestID.ClientID%>');
<asp:UpdatePanel id=UpdatePanel1 runat=server>
<div id=DivCtrl runat=server >
<asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="RequestID" Value="0" />


User Control Code is as follows for cs is as follows

In this i dynamically adding a hyperlink whose onclick events call CallDetails(nSerialNo) (in .aspx of user control).
And pass different value to the nSerialNo parameter on the click event.In the event i change the value of RequestID to the the nSerialNo.


Parent Page Code is as follows for .aspx is as follows
<%@. Register TagPrefix="csc" Namespace="CustomServerControls" %>
<asp:ScripManager runat=server id=ScriptMgr1 >
</asp:ScripManager >
<csc:CustomServerControls id=CustomServer1 runat=server >

<csc:CustomServerControls id=CustomServer2 runat=server >



This way 2 instances of this user control are placed in the Parent Page.
Also what happens is even though i am clicking on the first User Controls hyperlink (first updatepanel) still the Value is assigned to the second User Controls Hidden Field.

Also if i am placing the usercontrol in a page and call the page thru <script tag by specifying the source it gives me a Syntax error.

Can i call the page in this way.


well, now it's clear!. what you shoud do is change the js code. you should have something like this:

<script language =javascript>
var l_objtimer="";
l_objtimer =window.setInterval('UPdatePanel',1000);
function UPdatePanel(idCtl)
var obj=get$(idCtl);

function CallDetails(idCtl, nSerialNo)
var obj=get$(idCtl);

where idCtl is the ID of the control (hidden field) you want to use. yep, you'll have to change your code so that it also passes the id of the field when you call the method.

in your code, what's happening is that when you're adding the second user control, it'll add the js methods again, overriding the previous definitions. this means that clicking on the 1st or 2nd user control will always call the latest definition, which points to the id of the last user control you've added to the page. if you perform the changes I've said, this won't happen any more.

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