Monday, March 26, 2012

MutuallyExclusiveCheckBoxExtender doesnt work if elements are added dynamically

I create my table on the fly and added checkboxes as well as MECBextenders.

The client script is not working on the page. It works as expected if the MECBs are added during design time.

Here is some code to demonstrate population:

1string extenderKey ="AllTheSameKey";23foreach (MvpPoint pointin _selected.FolderPoints)4 {5678switch (point.PointType)9 {10case tPointType.DO:11case tPointType.CP:12 {13continue;14 }15default:16 {17 trow =new TableRow();1819 CheckBox chkSelected =new CheckBox();20string sPointId = point.Handle.ToString();21 chkSelected.ID ="chk" + sPointId;22 chkSelected.Visible =true;23if (point.PointType == tPointType.AI)24 chkSelected.Enabled =true;25else26 chkSelected.Enabled =true;2728 AjaxControlToolkit.MutuallyExclusiveCheckBoxExtender chkExtender =new AjaxControlToolkit.MutuallyExclusiveCheckBoxExtender();29 chkExtender.ID ="chkExt" + sPointId;30 chkExtender.TargetControlID = chkSelected.ID;31 chkExtender.Key = extenderKey;32

The problem ONLY exists if the MutuallyExclusiveCheckBoxExtender is cointeined inside a TabPanel. The IDs get changed by the cointeiner control and the jscript fails to find them.

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