Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Multiple Update Panel Animation Extenders on one page

Hi there!

I'm developing a web user control that contains an Update Panel and uses an Update Panel Animation Extender.
The animation is quite simple: while the panel is updating, it fades out the contents of the update panel and fades in the "please wait while processing..." message...then the animation reverses the process when the panel is Updated. The animation works quite nicely.

The problem I'm facing is when I have more than one of these web user controls on the page at a time (I'm using 8 of these on one page at a time).
If one web user control's update panel does an asynchronous postback, all of the animations are run!

Does anyone know how to get around this problem?

Thanks in advance,



Would you please provide with any code of ypur usercontrol?

Or create a simple repro of this problem?


I forgot that I had posted this question.
I found the solution to my problem a while ago.

The problem I was describing is not actually a problem, it is how the UpdatePanelAnimationExtender works.

Anyways, to get around this problem I ended up using regular Animations instead of the UpdatePanelAnimationExtender.


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