Saturday, March 24, 2012

My masterpage still flickers!

I'm using masterpages. Here's the layout of the masterpage:

Top - Menu

Middle - Content

Right - gridview

The Problem:

I created a search control that simply does a customer locate. I dropped the control on an aspx page and added a button under the control that is used to load the selected row to the griview on the masterpage. When I click the button the row is added fine, but the screen is not acting reloads.

I defined my scriptmanager on the masterpage. And I've tried the following 3 scenerios to make this work the "Atlas" no avail.

1) Placing the updatepanel within the control itself, and referencing the button's click event using a <Trigger>.

2) Wrapping the entire control and button with an update panel.

3) Wrapping the control with an updatepanel, and referencing the button's click event using a <Trigger>.

I'm either doing something wrong, or this cannot be done using Atlas. Can updating a gridview on a masterpage from within a content page be done using Atlas?


Something simple first. Did you set



for the script manager?

based on my experience (coz I implemented this atlas on my site) and based on the videos given by this site, i setup this atlas this way:

1. my script manager is not in the masterpage. i put it on the aspx page.
2. i put the trigger control (like button) outside the updatepanel, or you can put it on a different updatepanel if necessary.

so far this setup works with me. no flicker.Smile

Enablepartialrendering is true.

I'll try moving the scriptmanager to inside the acsx...thanks for the advice.

Ok...I moved the scriptmanager to the aspx page, and added the trigger. But doing it that way results in an asynch postback, but there is no rendering of the gridview on the masterpage.

Any ideas?

i am not sure what's really happening with your proj but my site has 2 gridviews that talks to one another but I did not encouter the issue you have now. Try to setup the atlas controls again starting from zero and this time put the script manager in the aspx page.
I rebuilt the project with the same result. I guess i'll just live with the anomoly for now. thanks.
just a question. why do u have to wrap the buttons with the updatepanel? does your button need to do something after the postback? if not, free up the button.
try isolation test. apply atlas on controls (where necessary) one after another until you see where the problem lies.

I have tried the button within the updatepanel, and oustside of the updatepanel (referencing the button with trigger). I think i understand where the problem is, i just don't think it will work. The control is wrapped in an updatepanel, The button exists on the same page that i dropped the ascx control on, as does the scriptmanager. By clicking the button I wish to send the selected row to a grid that exists on the masterpage. When i wrap that grid with an updatepanel i get "cannot use an updatepanel without a scriptmanager error. When i drop a scriptmanager on the masterpage i get "cannot have 2 sciptmanagers" error. When i remove the scripmanger on the aspx page the the ascx is on, nothing is displayed in the grid. argghhh.

BTW, i really don't want to have the scriptmanager existing in the masterpage.

If you have an example of how you can get this situation to work it would be priceless.

i recommend the same. isolation test lets you see where the problem lies.
i'm confused as why a moderator set this post as "answered"... i do not see any semblence of a "that fixed my problem and it works now" yet in this topic, so how is it "answered" ?


if you can build a small demo project that reproduces , then this i wouldn't mind taking a look at it to see if i can understand what's going on...

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