Saturday, March 24, 2012

Need documentation on ScriptManager.EnableScriptGlobalization


Not that it doesn't exist, but I couldn't find any docs on the ScriptManager.EnableScriptGlobalization property.

Does anyone know what it's for? It's of Boolean data type.



it's used by the scriptmanager component so that it knows if it should include the atlasglob.axd handler on the page. this handler is responsible for introducing Sys.CultureInfo used by the locale methods of the client side of the platform (take a look at the atlas.js file to see what i mean).

I've just spent several hours trying to work out why my application was throwing a Javascript syntax error in IE. Setting EnableScriptGlobalization to false has rectified the problem but I'm damned if I know why! Will setting this property to false have any implications?


that's strange. any chance of getting a small simple page that reproduces this problem?

as i said in my previous mail, by default, atlas creates an object with all the info related to the en-us culture and injects it on the page. when you enable globalization, the scriptmanager inserts a script line on the page that points to a special handler. this handler tries to get the current culture and build a new globalization javascript object which is configured to that culture. to my knowledge, there are few methods that take this info into account. disabling globalization will not have a lot of negative effects: the onyl problem is that those locale methods will allwys use the en-US culture as the current culture and you might get wrong formatations due to that (though you might not even see this if you're not using any of these methods),.

I'm wondering if the error may be caused by my use of a custom HttpModule for handling errors. I'll try to knock up a simple page to replicate the error - I'm in the middle of a release so it may be a few days before i get a chance...

hello again.

oki...put it here when you have the time to build a simple page.

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