Saturday, March 24, 2012

Need expert comment on copying Ajax Dlls to bin

I have a huge web application that is Altas-based. I have only 2 weeks to add some new functionality to it so there is no time to upgrade it to Ajax.
That will be in the next project. In the mean time I still need to use some Ajax functionality just to show the sort images as described in

So I copied the Ajax DLLs into bin where the Atlas DLLs currently are. Then I changed the web.config as seen below.


Will that have any types of negative bearing on my other asp controls such as asp:gridview, asp:label etc...? Any caveats I should be aware of? Thanks

If in web.config <pages>

<controls> <addtagPrefix="asp"namespace="System.Web.UI"assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"/>



You won't have any issues at all with existing controls.

Just make sure you're website is running in fulltrust, and that your host allows full trust.

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