Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Need help getting started

Ok, I'm quite new with AJAX and it seems cool... I'm running ASP.NET 2.0 and I believe I have ASP.NET AJAX - I say believe because I went to apply the "convert" instructions and the mods already seem to be in place...

If I underatand correctly, AJAX allows us to put display type controls inside UpdatePanels and then have them update with new information based on receiving events from user input type controls - like buttons. I have several UpdatePanels with AsyncPostBackTriggers referencing other controls like buttons.

Is the implecation here that we no longer need these controls to participate in that VIEWSTATE hidden field? I have a rather large TreeView control in an update panel and it is in fact updated when its trigger is hit. I then use the "SelectedNodeChanged" event from the tree control to update some other UpdatePanel. And I've taken the TreeView off the VIEWSTATE... When I then click one of the nodes in the TreeView, the TreeView disappears and the panel I expect to be updated isnt. But if I put the TreeView back in the VIEWSTATE list, everything works - it just takes so dog-gone long for the page to load... So what's the relationship between all these UpdatePanels and the VIEWSTATE?


Treeview is not actually supported within update panels and thus may be the source of your frustration...

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