Sunday, March 11, 2012

Need suggestions...

There is no postback to enable/disable controls such as TextBox or CheckBox?using?javascript in the client side,but postback in server side.If the validators can not be enabled/disabled in the client side through javascript,you need to enabe/disable it in the server side.I think it should be enabled/disabled in the client side and?maybe you need to register client script in the server side(ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript).
Try to take a look at the following sample codes to work withAjax:RequiredFieldValidatorfor reference.
Wish the above can give you some helps.

What I was looking for was: ValidatorEnable(control,enabled). Microsoft had it out there for me already, I just had to find it.

Its found in the WebResource.axd javascript file for validation. Works great. Just give it the validation control's clientID and whether its enabled or not.

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