Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Need help with DynamicPopulate and WebService

I'm having a bit trouble getting this to work... I've made a very simple WebService, tested it etc. Everything works fine, I can even call it 'from a normal website as usual', but when I call it from this Extender I keep getting an error:

WebService call failed: 500

This is a snippet from the Extendersetup:



And from the WebService:
publicstring GetHtml(string contextKey)
string value ="";
if (contextKey =="U")
value =DateTime.UtcNow.ToString();
value =String.Format("{0:" + contextKey +"}",DateTime.Now);
returnString.Format("<span style='font-family:courier new;font-weight:bold;'>{0}</span>", value);

Everything is just taken from the samples, but exposed like a WebService.

Any good ideas with this can be??Confused

Kind regards

Make sure you have the webservice stuff in your web.config. The easiest thing to do is to make sure you're starting with a new "Atlas" Website, since it's already set up. If not, I think this is all you need:










I've all that in my Web.config - I used the Atlastemplate when I started the project. I've also updated all Atlasfiles to the latest versions.

I've just tested the AtlasControlToolkit and DynamicPopulate and the testharness, i've added the ServicePath right between these:



Page Method Update:

WebService call failed: 500

Script Method Update:

Script Success

// (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation. // This source is subject to the Microsoft Permissive License. // See // All other rights reserved. // Script objects that should be loaded before we run var typeDependencies = ['AtlasControlToolkit.DynamicPopulateBehavior']; // Test Harness var testHarness = null; var panel1, panel2, dp1, dp2; var webServiceResult, scriptResult, customResult; function fireUpdate(targetId) { var target = testHarness.getElement(targetId); testHarness.fireEvent(target, 'onclick'); } function webServiceComplete() { return webServiceResult; } function scriptComplete() { return scriptResult; } function customComplete() { return customResult; } function webServiceSuccess() { testHarness.assertEqual(webServiceResult, "Web Service Success", "Web service call failed: " + webServiceResult); return true; } function scriptSuccess() { testHarness.assertEqual(scriptResult, "Script Success", "Script call failed: " + scriptResult); return true; } function customSuccess() { testHarness.assertEqual(customResult, "Custom Success", "DOM call failed: " + customResult); return true; } function onWebServicePopulated(s, e) { webServiceResult = panel1.innerHTML; } function onScriptPopulated(s, e) { scriptResult = panel2.innerHTML; } function onCustomPopulated(s, e) { customResult = panel1.innerHTML; } function testCustom() { dp1.populated.remove(onWebServicePopulated); dp1.populated.add(onCustomPopulated); dp1.populate("Custom Fail 1"); dp1.populate("Custom Fail 2"); dp1.populate("Custom Success"); } // Register the tests function registerTests(harness) { testHarness = harness; // Get the controls on the page panel1 = testHarness.getElement('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Panel1'); panel2 = testHarness.getElement('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Panel2'); dp1 = testHarness.getObject('dp1'); dp1.populated.add(onWebServicePopulated); dp2 = testHarness.getObject('dp2'); dp2.populated.add(onScriptPopulated); var test = testHarness.addTest('Test Page Method'); test.addStep(function(){fireUpdate('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Label1');}, webServiceComplete, webServiceSuccess); var test = testHarness.addTest('Test Script Method'); test.addStep(function(){fireUpdate('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Label2');}, scriptComplete, scriptSuccess); var test = testHarness.addTest('Test Custom'); test.addStep(testCustom, customComplete, customSuccess); }

var PageMethods = new function() {var cm=Sys.Net.PageMethod.createProxyMethod;cm(this,"GetHtml","contextKey");}

But still an error... Could there be something wrong with the WebService? An Error 500 is a bit hard to work with. For developing the WebService I just took the ASP.NET WebService-template. I've uploaded the WebService in a folder under the Default Web Site, as you can see in the servicepath. As I mentioned earlier the WebService is working fine if I just manually inputs the path into the browser, also I've checked that the WebMethod satifyes the required signature!

Kind regards

i had the same problem with ajax-toolkit and cascadingdropdown-extender (which is calling a local webservice).

--> WebService call failed: 500

as soon as i deleted the attribute enableBrowserAccess="true" inside <webservice>-section, everything worked as expected. !?

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